
My 10 day Trip to France (Day 10)

The last day. Another successful trip completed. We decided to wrap it all up by walking through the city and continue shopping. We were happy that we were going back home and used this day as another relaxing day. Additional shopping was done, and more memories were made. Another city that I’ve always wanted to […]


My 10 day Trip to France (Day 9)

Our trip was coming to an end. My sister and I loved France but it was time to go home soon. What else could we do in Paris? Shop and explore some more of course. We went back to buy more things for our family and friends. I also purchased tons of stuff for myself […]


My 10 day Trip to France (Day 8)

Our vacation was almost coming to an end and when the time gets closer, we focus on getting gifts for the family, coworkers, and friends. What happened today? This day was a little rough. Just like in Rouen, it rained. Enjoy our journey. That was day 8. I did not take many pictures since we […]


My 10 day Trip to France (Day 7)

Day 7 was interesting. We decided to stay in Paris for the remaining days and explore as much as possible. Paris was one of the only cities we got very lost. I believe the reason why we were very lost throughout the city was because we used the subway system to get to destinations faster […]


My 10 day Trip to France (Day 6)

Every time we go on vacation we call our family everyday to talk about what we did. What is the one sentence I will always here from my mom? “Your vacation is coming to an end” Thanks mom, I know (sad face). Let me enjoy my time off and not think about that, ahaha. Day […]