Cycling Fashion Life Men's Fashion My Life

9 Items I have or will Purchase within the next 12 months

If you were to die and someone went into your room, would they know the type of person you are? Would they know what you’re into? Would you know who you are by what you buy? Would you be proud of how others perceive you by what they see? Would you be disgraced at yourself […]

Home Life My Life sociology

2024 September UPDATE – 106 Days Left

What I’ve been up to I needed to vent/write so I took out my laptop and here I am, typing away. I’m doing this blog post for several reasons. First and most important is the biggest goal that I need to complete, the LSAT. I’ve spent hundreds of dollars to take the test but have […]

Home Life sociology

My Year End Reflection for 2023

OWNING UP & MY SUCCESSES I have wanted to write on this blog for the past couple of months but every time I think about doing it, many other things happen. Enough excuses, I am about to blog about what has been happening in my life and what’s been on my mind. I will talk […]

My Life Triathlon

Rose City Long Course Triathlon (Welland) – A Flat Race

Why did I chose this race? After finishing Gravenhurst’s triathlon, I was ready to do another race the following week but I noticed that my body was not ready. I needed to recover. My mind was ready but my body was not. I listened to my body and did not register to any weekend race […]

Life My Life sociology

I Am Officially A McMaster University Graduate – Now What?

This degree took me 7 years to complete It is never too late to start something, especially returning to school. If you want it, go for it. Put in the time and you’ll get it. Age does not matter. Other people’s opinions do not matter. Do what you want to do and believe in yourself. […]