I have returned to Canada and I am now ready to start writing about what I did and saw. As usual, this trip was awesome. They always are though. NYC is by far my favorite city. I’ve been to many cities but NYC is the king of cities. There is always something going on and this city never sleeps. It’s never boring and there’s always something to do. Every other city offers this but I like NYC’s vibe the most. The density, great ambience, variety of food, Latin culture, great subway service, and the ability to get anything at your finger tips is what makes this city awesome. The entrainment is endless.
The skyscrapers, the large varieties of food (especially pizza), the NYC accents, and did I mention the most hip cycling culture? Big cyclist/vlogger youtubers such as Terry Barentsen, Lucas Brunelle, and Casey Neistat are New Yorkers. They ride through the city like it’s nothing. I take one glimpse at the hectic roads and I think insanity (BUT I WANT TO RIDE IT). After being taken to several cycling boutiques from a local who has lived here all his life, I was in awe with what I saw. The cycling community was very young, hip, and they had style. They also offered all the cool cycling clothes within the city, something I was not used to. There’s no need to shop online when you’re in this city. It’s all here. I’ve said enough. Lets’ get to the pictures and what I did today. Before I got any further, here’s just a glimpse of what I did in my YouTube video.
I am uploading this to force myself to work on my blog, improve my writing, and to work on my massive website that will be much more pleasing for the reader. Pictures will be up soon.