Life My Life

I applied to my first $100,000+ IT supervisor job and did not get it

100k IT jobs, IT Jobs, IT manager jobs

The company I work for has been going through some large organizational changes and an opportunity arose in my department. An acting IT supervisor position opened up internally. After talking to some colleagues, there was some general knowledge on who was going to apply. There were three candidates that we all had in mind. I was not one of them. However, I was asked multiple times to apply by many people in the organization.

Fake it until you make it.

I told my colleague/friend to apply to the position since I know for a fact that this dude has the skills, knowledge, insane awareness, and overall is a very intelligent dude. He knows his stuff and I think highly of him. He did not apply for many reasons but he suggested I apply for the position. At first, I didn’t think I had the expected requirements but after thoroughly reading the role and responsibilities and him asking me more in depth questions about what I’ve done, I realized how much technical and social skills I have acquired throughout the years. I went home and thought about applying for the position. For days. It was always on my mind and I kept surprising myself with all of the new skills I have acquired in my IT career while thinking about the potential transitional move into a leadership role. I was finally comfortable to see advancement and looking at new jobs. It felt nice.

Just kidding, work hard and get it!

For days I kept telling my coworker I was going to apply but I was incredibly afraid. Afraid of failure. I knew it would be failure but I knew I had to do it to show initiative if I want to be in a managerial/executive role one day. I needed to do this to get the training, to essentially make them aware that I want this. On the third last day before the deadline, I spent the whole night editing my resume and slept for about 2 hours. I went to work and submitted it at 8am after answering every prerequisite question before submitting my resume. This is the most scariest thing I have done in my professional life. I don’t know why it was so difficult but I was proud that I submitted it and was happy to check off many ‘Yes’ checkboxes on the prerequisites.

I was so stressed I went for a bike ride.

On the Thursday evening, my boss texts me. She wants to do an informal interview with me for the position. I am speechless/stressed/excited since I didn’t think I would pass the first process of the resume/questionnaire prerequisites. Throughout the days, I figure’d the job was meant specifically for the three candidates we all suspected in the department. I’m also the youngest in my department and maybe thought that could put me in an advantageous situation and allow them to give me a chance. Nope. Life is harsh.

I’ve ridden more this week because of my situation. Cycling relieves the stress

After staying up all Thursday night working on S.T.A.R related questions (thanks to my friend sending me multiple questions), choosing my interview clothes, and reading up on how to prepare for an informal interview (a very subjective interview when you search on Google), I did not know what I was walking into but my goal was to receive managerial experience and show my boss my initiative to help me in my next career move for a managerial role. I found out in the morning there were only 2 candidates. Myself and one of the suspected candidates. It was a bit of a shock.

My stress levels during the interview and throughout the day. Notice the spike.

During the interview, my boss told me very bluntly that I did not have the experience or seniority which did not lead me to the position however she now knows I have the credentials and knowledge from my business administration and sociology courses. She will be helping me with managerial training to give me the experience I need to move forward. I was nervous as heck but I conquered my fears and and now they are aware of my career goals and will help me get there. I think I did well and I’m proud of myself and happy for my colleagues and friends who told me to apply. This whole ordeal has allowed me to fight my fear in applying to 6 figure jobs, apply to jobs, obtain managerial knowledge, prepare for future interviews, and know my worth. If you’re scared of something, tackle it and adapt. I’m more excited than ever for my next career moves.

HR on this day.

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