I got a new position at work and it keeps me very busy. I like that. Time flies but the problem is that I come home very tired. Even though I come home tired, I still commit to the Ironman training. I want to place well and see if I can eventually win one in the future. Think big, dream big baby.
I also had the pleasure to talk about sociology to a user at my work. We talked about Marcuse and many other great scholars. That was awesome.
On a small note, I will be swimming tomorrow. The water heater is broken at my gym but the training needs to continue. This will also be good to continue the acclimation training if it’s cold in Quebec. Day 3 of keto. It’s tough but I’m surviving.
Here’s what happened today:
- Ate 6 eggs, a bag of bacon, 3 protein drinks, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
- Did a move that required lots of lifting at work. I had to move a bunch of equipment from one office to another. That itself was a workout
- went home and watched all of the pre-recorded sexuality lectures. Listened and learned about Kinsey scale, virginity as a social construction, homophobia, and other heterosexual context. I will have to re-watch before next week’s exam.
- Lifted weight s for 45 minutes
- Cycled on Zwift while listening to the lectures for 1 hour and 14 minutes