These past couple of days and the weekend were insanely busy. Last week I had to write my short analytical paper. Writing scholarly papers is brutal yet becoming so satisfying. I had to read quite a bit bit but loved it. I was able to submit my paper 1 day earlier. It really helps to not procrastinate and actually enjoy reading about these very misunderstood sociological topics and find new profound perspectives.
I wrote my paper on heteronormativity affecting heterosexual and non-heterosexual females in sports. I provided examples how it has been happening throughout history and how it affects women. It was super interesting. I have one exam this Friday and plan on killing it. Once I complete that, I will have one free week of school and then I’ll be back at it.
I’m super sore from my 20km run and soreness from going out on the weekend. Life is good. As much as I liked going out, I have many goals that require discipline and no shenanigans. I want to do well in school, my Ironman, and prepare for law school through extra curricular actives. Back on the grind. Here’s some interesting tidbits that have happened
- Won two pair of yeezys to sell. The continuation of reselling sneakers continues.
- I also now take some time on Sunday to look at houses I might be interested in looking at. I am still looking at home
- cycled for 1 hour to prepare for my 180km ride
- Worked my butt off at work today. When do I not?
- Did not study so tomorrow I will focus on just reading tons of material.