For years, I dreamed about riding my bike from Hamilton Ontario to Toronto Ontario. Crazy? Yes. The first time I did this ride was last year. I remember heading out and going 30 km/h from Hamilton to Toronto. Why was it so easy? The wind. The wind was pushing me towards Toronto.

On the way back though (Toronto to Hamilton)…Let us not talk about that. It was absolute hell. I was battling the wind. I was pedaling but pedestrians were still passing me. I kept pushing and eventually returned home. When I arrived home, I ate two bags of chips and a pizza. Just kidding, sort of. Enjoy the video.
This is just a short clip of the ride. I will be posting a video of the entire ride on YouTube. The route I take is very scenic and I believe it is safe. If you plan on doing a 100 km bike ride, I suggest reading my little tip article
(Update – March 22 2022, I record this ride once a year and will be doing Hamilton to Toronto for 2022 when the weather is beautiful).